Anime Aura VFX Manual

Anime Aura VFX Manual

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Anime Aura VFX in Visual Effects - UE Marketplace



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What is this?:

Anime Aura VFX is a particle-based but flat aura VFX as seen in animes.

The advantage compared to (prepared) texture based one is its flexibility.



-Color mapping curve(maps "dencity" to color with opacity)

-Post effect material

-Other numeric parameters

Please see the reference page for details.



Using Presets

More than 10 preset NiagaraSystems are also contained.

They can be used in place of NS_AuraEffect to shortcut setting parameters.

Manual Setup

-Attach NiagaraComponent under SkeletalMeshComponent and set NS_AuraEffect

-Modify Override Parameters




Multiple viewports not supported

Animi Aura VFX depends on view matrix (camera transform), that means this VFX is not seen correctly from 2 or more viewpoints at the same time. This happens when your application uses scene capture or has multiple viewports (ex. multiplayer by splitting screen).

There is an optional parameter "Custom Viewport" to choose the viewpoint  from which the VFX should be seen correctly(typically a SceneCapture2D will be set).